Your Voice on Late Latin Poetry

Graduate Workshop

Thur 15 September 2016

Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford

This workshop aims at fostering exchange between graduate students and early career researchers in the field of late Latin poetry. In the first part, participants will be encouraged to share research challenges as well as positive research experiences, e.g. with online databases (like, PHI, or handbooks. The workshop discussion will be driven by the participants’ interests and contributions (gathered through a questionnaire beforehand). The format of participant-driven exchange ensures that the discussion is relevant to those attending and at the same time allows more in-depth engagement with each other’s work than in informal conversation and thus facilitates networking. In the second part of the workshop, participants will be invited to present their work in progress in 10 min slots. In the final plenary discussion, links between the practical side of research (first session) and the research presented (second session) will be explored.


2.00pm-3.30pm: Workshop

3.30pm-4.00pm: Tea/Coffee

4.00pm-6.00pm: Work-in-progress presentations and concluding discussion

The workshop is followed by the study day Voices on Late Latin Poetry: European Scholarship in Context on Fr 16th September, which participants will be expected to attend.

This workshop is part of the BARSEA project Voices in Late Latin Poetry and supported by the British Academy.
